Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges

Svāsthya is a fully open-access journal. The journal's costs are covered solely by Article Processing Charges (APCs). There are no subscription fees for our readers or page and figure charges for our authors. APCs cover the costs of peer review administration and management, technical editing, typesetting, professional production of articles, website maintenance, and a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number for each article, in addition to other publishing functions. Accordingly, all authors of accepted articles will receive an invoice charging the APC of $25 or the equivalent of IDR 350,000 (plus VAT and local taxes). This fee is inclusive of language improvement charge (LIC)

Information for Editors and Reviewers / Partners Publication fees are waived (FREE)

Waivers and Discounts

Svāsthya aims to effectively bridge the digital research divide and ensure that publishing in this journal is accessible for authors in developing countries. Hence, authors may apply waivers and discounts of the APCs on the basis of financial hardship. The request letter should be made by the corresponding author to Svāsthya (see Contact) along with relevant details (such as submission details and reasons for requesting the waivers or discounts). The decision on the request will be made on a case-by-case basis.


Svāsthya Journal supports Research4Life. Research4Life provides institutions in lower-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. Research4Life is the collective name for five programs—Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI, and GOALI—that provide low-income and middle-income countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed publications online. Hinari, launched in 2002, is the program that provides access to major journals in the biomedical and related social sciences fields. Local, not-for-profit institutions from two groups of eligible countries, areas, and territories may register for free or low-cost access to tens of thousands of peer-reviewed international scientific journals, publications, and databases through Research4Life. If your institution is an academic, government, or research institution in a low- and middle-income country, it may be eligible to join Research4Life. You can learn more about eligibility and register to Research4Life here.